How can I schedule an appointment for a facial?
Please use our online booking tool. We usually open the booking system in the first week of the month so you can make appointments for the following two months. We always inform you about the exact day and time when we open the booking system. Make sure to check our homepage and instagram for that.

I’d like to schedule an online appointment but it doesn’t show me any free spots, why is that?
Unfortunately, the free spots are gone within hours after we open the booking system. Usually that’s why you don’t see any spots available. In that case we ask you to contact us so we can add you to the waiting list.

Is there a waiting list in case I miss the online booking?
Yes, we can add you to the waiting list anytime. Whether you are a returning client or a new client, we pull from the list in the order in which we received the request. If a spot opens up, you will be notified by us.

What if I want to reschedule my appointment?
In that case please contact us as soon as possible. We will try to do our best to find you a new appointment but please understand that we can’t guarantee you will get a new appointment right away.

How can you reach us?
By public transport:
U4 to Stadtpark or U1, U3 to Stephansplatz or U3 to Stubentor Tram 2 to Weihburggasse
By car:
Parking garage in WIPARK Weihburggasse

How early should I arrive before my scheduled treatment?
Please arrive at the salon at least five minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. This will give you enough time to transition from an active busy mode to a more relaxed mode which will enhance the treatment experience.
In case of time reduction you will be charged the full price of the treatment nonetheless.

What if I'm late?
Arriving late may limit the time of your treatment, as your service will not be rushed, and will end on time so the next guest will not be delayed.We will of course do our best to give you the entire treatment time even if you are late. However, if the next customer comes shortly after your treatment, we unfortunately have to shorten the treatment time by the delay. In case of time reduction you will be charged the full price of the treatment nonetheless.

What payment options do you offer?
We accept both cash and cards and credit cards.

I’ve never had a facial done before, what can I expect?
We are happy you found us and are ready to extend your skin care routine with a
professional treatment. Our treatments are designed to improve your skin within a short amount of time and to be effective and relaxing at the same time. A bit of redness after a facial is completely normal and should calm down within some hours.

What do I need to take off before going to the cosmetic chair?
Please make sure to remove necklaces and big earrings or piercings. Will will ask you to take off your shirt to be able to massage your chest and neck area as well.

Can I leave my contact lenses/lashes/make-up on during the facial?
Make-up and lashes are absolutely no problem for us. We will carefully cleanse your skin before each facial. In case you booked lash tinting in addition to your facial we would recommend to take out your contacts beforehand.

I'm pregnant. Can I still come to you?
Congratulations! Of course you can. Our safe pregnancy treatment has been put together especially for mothers-to-be. Please make sure you always inform us about your pregnancy.

Are the facial treatments also suitable for men?
Of course, men are very welcome in our studio as well. We have more and more male customers and we are very happy about that.

What do I have to keep in mind before a facial treatment?
After a medical or aesthetic procedure (e.g. permanent make-up), cosmetic treatments like facials are not recommended for the following 14 days. Please wait 48 hours after eyelash curling and extensions as well. Please skip tanning and sunbathing before a scheduled facial appointment. It’s not necessary to wash your hair before the treatment as every facial includes a head massage.
Devote a little time to yourself before your appointment as well and enjoy the transition from a busy working day to some relaxing hours. You won’t be able enjoy the treatment if you are in a hurry.

What things should I skip after a facial?
After a facial please make sure you don’t do sweaty workouts or go to a spa/sauna. Sweating would irritate your freshly exfoliated and extracted skin. Leave your skin to rest for at least a day after a facial. Most importantly you should enjoy the feeling of being relaxed and connected with yourself.
“We can only take care of others if we learn to take care of ourselves first.”

Is my pet/dog allowed to come along?
Your four legged friend is always welcomed in our shop and bar area. However, for hygienic reasons, we kindly ask you to enter the therapy room without your pet.